
Beats by Dr Dre solo have much big

A crary experiment, sees actually use how much piece then the hard drive of "the Dun is solid" can hold up to attack by surprise the bullet that the rifle shoots.They use SVD attack by surprise a rifle and use 7.62 the ×s 54 mm Tu good luck play, at Be 69 meters apart from the hard drive outside and toward to tie~u together of 18 pieces of hard drive blast - offs.Result, the bullet once wore 17 pieces of hard drives to just stop down, the only finally a piece of hard drive escaped by sheer luck to die in an accident, and among them, the second hard drive outer shell metal even all melted.
Be showed from this, the power of this kind of bullet have much big.
The connect opening two guns didn't shoot a target of guy, whether now is very depressed?Spend the costliness hires of cutthroat, after assassinating failure, general of the organizations will reduce this person to serve as the number of times of duty, what to follow is a lowering of treatment, gone together to sneer at.Open "base wage"(since is the meaning that mixs rice) Be getting more quite good, want to continue to play to seem to be not too probably everywhere, there aring also some people the Zan already enough money, once withdrawing cutthroat field, willing also leading very goodly.
Wanted to think, then pack the cartridge into paper bag, throw into that cupboard inside.Come out after the secret room, shout a way:"It is pure soft, come for a while."
Is pure soft to walk to come in, say:"What matter?"
"With at the time that teacher conversed, you also heard, I wanted to hand over to the teacher the son to take, didn't know how you are thought."
"H'm, I agree, we live of place although the protection is very tight,this person is a ghost inside, I really worry the son's peace or chaos, if can really arrive your teacher nearby is also a good matter, will ast least be a lot of safe.The whichever group also isn't likely to emit to give offense to Wu Dang Pai's risk to go to ask for trouble there, moreover, the son came over, we see him also a little more convenient."
"Since came, studying could not hold up, the school arriving below the hills isn't realistic either, so take those teachers all, so settle.Walk, video frequency bottom, seeing the pleasant breeze is what opinion."
"It is all right."
In a room, under way wear with the video frequency of No.8 in Hangzhou villa.On a big screen, appear the image of settling the breeze, "how are you, little lord."
"Your voice acquaints with very much, I lost a memory, is resuming a stage, pure soft also spoke everything of group with me, thank you senior, there is no your toil, have no now of group, I am also a died old door Be main to thank you, generation the whole group thanks you."Wang Feng says with smile.
"The little host and guest annoyed, this was what I should do, the crisis in nowadays at at present, I still hope that the little lord makes vigorous efforts to turn the tide and gets up the heavy responsibility load that the group develop."The face of the pleasant breeze up is a modesty.
"As for the affair of group, I just just got involved, you also not the important cause relaxed down for my emergence, I still need to do other matters, so some affairs of management in the group still wanted you to settle.Is pure soft concrete to moderate, have what can not take idea, I will pass pure soft tell yours."
"Is all right, whole decide with the little lord.The time in noon, I prepare to call a few hall lords and elder and see side online, the business of next move is in the argument for a while.Don't know how the little lord feels?"
"Like, you come to arrange.The concrete management affair makes reference to here, concerning restructure a group, the pure soft suggestion carries on checking to the Zhang eyes of each hall first and sees have to embezzle a phenomenon and pass this matter to check the problem place of group and carries on cleaning up to some that breach family ruleses, this matter again pure soft be responsible for, you seek the talented persons of some finances to participate in to come in."
"Like, I do this matter right away."
"Moreover, I connected in airport last night pure soft they drive raid, this cutthroat use attacked by surprise a rifle and carried on gunning to me at a building crest, but didn't beat luckily in.The news reveals a location should in Hangzhou, at we total rudder, you secretly check out this person and press the family rules treatment, can not light Rao."
"Matter like this?They really went crazy, incredibly dry next assassinate an important event of lord, be really is endure which can not endure, I now check this matter."
"Still have, I think read breeze to send to my teacher that to go and want to listen to your opinion."
The pleasant breeze is hesitant for a while, still kept agreeing, necessarily read the breeze studied an achievement with oneself method to have several years and say to have no feelings to is false.Wang Feng also comprehends the mood of pleasant breeze, but the kid has to want to leave there.Hand over to need pleasant breeze, take that several teachers who once taught to read breeze all up, the cent criticizes to walk, so as not to disturb too many people.After arrangement is over, the pleasant breeze in a hurry walked, he checks to reveal pure soft arrive the important event of S City went.
After, is small to read breeze heel pure soft talk, mother and child a pair say a lot of of words, listen to Wang Feng all feel this kid too mature and absolutely have no differentiation with big kid, but he just 6 years old.Arrive with while talking, Wang Feng reads breeze just know that this beaming with smiles man is him toward thinking father whom the Mu thinks.Wang Feng is also very excited, this lovely little boy is his/her own son, own bone blood.Read breeze to interjection father cried, he long so greatly still first time call father, the concussion is unavoidably.
Wang Feng just knows a son or a child and makes oneself's in the mind is also very sour this time.Small maple and Jiao Jiao coax a son, until this time, Wang Feng just found out the true feeling of doing the father.
"Father prepares and sends to you to you teacher Zu and goes there and arrived there to have to be obedient, very good study way method, have what matter make a phone call with father mother, knew?"
The end heel small maple and Jiao Jiao talks, several individuals carried on the exchanges of deep time on the big screen, two women in Hangzhou, take care of pure soft call to have an elder sister, be regarded as an affirming of mutual identity.
At noon later on, the pleasant breeze beats to call words and said to check the business of traitor, he has already found out the person who reveals pure soft movements, this person is an outer circle pupil to get a wife and be responsible for cleaning up for No.8 villa to sweep hygiene, and she secretly hears settle soft to want this matter in S City.Haven't waited we to catch her, this woman unexpectedly took a medicine to commit suicide.Continue to seek her husband, that outer circle pupil also disappeared.The clues broke to open here, just upwards investigate have been unmeaningful, this woman is long ago, guarantee to arrive at total rudder after husband of, but who will thought of, this peacetime the honesty stem live of the woman will be exploited by somebody else to be spy.
After finishing listenning to, Wang Feng feels an affair far from thus simple and then gives repeated advice to pleasant breeze, reading the business that the breeze comes to S City has to absolutely need to keep secret.
Pleasant breeze says arrangement to read breeze and a personal bodyguard to walk, this bodyguard is the superior of the most severe shadow Class inside the door, with door lord four Wei fighting skill match equally.Wang Feng is very satisfied to this arrangement, a superior, take a kid to walk, the target is small, not ho, should be all right.
Wang Feng requests this that the bodyguard directly takes to read breeze to silently beat a car to leave Hangzhou, to face city to take airplane to come to S City.Once the pleasant breeze think, feel this more the safety is some, because rent the car driver isn't likely to be spy, so this recruits very brilliant.
After finishing saying, the pleasant breeze speaks of to arrange them to walk right away.So as not to the night grows dream many, again mishap.
Chapter 76 negotiation with buy vegetables
At noon, is called by the pleasant breeze, opened absolute being to steal a net up meet a meeting.The original intention is everyone to see a noodles meeting online, mutual understanding for a while, so as not to hereafter walk down the street, wore noodles all incognizant.
In the same room, Wang Feng and pure soft sit on the chair, looking at anterior of big screen.
Different meeting,Beats by Dr Dre solo, a few appearances cut over to come in.From pure soft introduce in a side, saw enforce the law respectively, the world is person's four hall lords and three elders, there are three elder absence, a because the health condition isn't good, about 70 years old, plus to be infected cold, can not take part in, another 2 go out, don't can not carry on a video frequency at home.
According to pure soft hint in one side, Wang Feng knows after old door lord died, the group has been being an undercurrent to flow out, some persons who control a border power really, the greed inflates gradually and greatly has independent trend.
The typical model here represents to should be person and open main full river, this person just Wang Feng also saw, age about 40 years old, the face is very fat, Related articles:

